Hair Stories: Amanda

Hair loss- we're breaking the stigma!

When it comes to hair loss, we each have our own story to share. Through this series, get to know the stories of women from all over the world.
Amanda is an absolute hair loss QUEEN and her story is so inspiring!

hair loss

My name is Amanda and I am from Buffalo, New York! I have always had thinner hair, but back in August of 2021, I noticed my hair had been thinning more and more. Since then, my hair was falling out in larger quantities and decided to go see a doctor. After going to a local dermatologist at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, I was diagnosed with an advanced form of androgenic alopecia.

Being only 25 at the time, I had a strong emotional response to my new diagnosis. And, although I knew my hair was already falling out, having a name and reason for it just solidified it for me. At the time, there were not many people who I would let see my bio-hair in its natural state. I would often cover up bald spots with hair fibers, and comb it all over to one side to hide any scalp areas.

After coming to terms with having to look into alternative options, I began to ask for help from a really great friend. I went back and forth on buying a wig. I knew that I wanted one, but I couldn’t accept that I needed one. I spoke with my friend over and over again and eventually, they encouraged me to go for it. When I received it in the mail, she was the first person I showed. Although it was an emotional and uncomfortable process, being with someone who cared so much and gave me their honest feedback meant the world to me. And, honestly, their push got me to where I am today with my acceptance.

When I was first looking up hair alternatives, I had no idea where to begin. I was overwhelmed with the options, the care instructions, and just overall, the idea! I had been googling one day, and got so frustrated, I closed my computer and picked up my phone and went on TikTok. After scrolling through TikTok for about 10 minutes, a video from Lusta came up. It was a video of Kim sharing her story and about Lusta and immediately I felt such a connection. I went to their website, and everything about it felt so easy and positive.

Lusta is an amazing company for many reasons, but I think the one that stands out most is their readiness and willingness to assist in any way they can. They are always offering to meet and go over wig specifics, share their own personal stories, and even just give you advice. There are not many companies that will share their successes and failures with their clients, and I think that is, above all else, what sets Lusta apart.

After I made the decision to wear hair, I can honestly say that it changed my whole outlook on hair loss and my confidence. For so long, I looked at my reflection and hated my hair and how it made me look. I would spend so much time and energy hiding bald spots and dodging situations where my hair could be a topic of discussion. But, once I put on my Lusta wig for the first time, I felt so good. I can’t put the emotions into words exactly, but my smile was so big and bright and I felt like a million bucks.

My biggest piece of advice to anyone going through a hair loss journey would be to take your time. Acceptance takes time and going through something so life changing can be difficult for anyone. But, once you are able and willing to make a change, go for it! I have not regretted my decision to wear hair once. When I was going through all of this, someone really close to me told me…”You shine differently when you accept the things you cannot change.” When they said this, it immediately impacted me for the better. Do yourself a favor, and work on you! Because you deserve it!

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