
Hair Extensions vs. Hair Toppers

As a woman with thinning hair, I've spent a LOT of time researching alternative hair options. The most obvious solution for thick, long locks is hair extensions. But, is this...

Hair Extensions vs. Hair Toppers
Human Hair Wigs & Toppers with Bangs

Bangs (or a fringe, if you're Aussie like us!) are one of our favourite ways to make wig or topper wearing even easier. Having bangs cut into your piece means...

Human Hair Wigs & Toppers with Bangs
8 Hair Loss and Alopecia Influencers You Need to Be Following

When I found the hair loss community, over 7 years ago now, I was honestly in AWE. I was suddenly surronded by so many strong, powerful, resourceful women who were...

8 Hair Loss and Alopecia Influencers You Need to Be Following
Will a Topper or a Wig Work Best For You?

Wearing hair is a journey that you want to start. Congrats! Welcome to the alternative hair world. We think you're going to like it here 😉 The first decision you...

Will a Topper or a Wig Work Best For You?
The Lusta Children's Project

We are SO excited to announce the launch of our new Lusta Children's Project!  This program has been in the works for a while now, and we're so excited that...

The Lusta Children's Project
Alopecia Areata vs. Androgenic Alopecia

Did you know there's more than one type of hair loss out there? A lot of people assume that 'alopecia' is the same for everyone. Maybe it's because of what...

Alopecia Areata vs. Androgenic Alopecia
Best Products for Thin Hair

At Lusta, we know all about #thinhairproblems. Hey! I'm Kimberly and I've had andgrogenic alopecia since 19 years old. Androgenic Alopecia goes by a few different names... female pattern hair...

Best Products for Thin Hair
Hair Topper Story: Hattie

Meet Hattie.  Hattie is an incredible woman from the UK. Hattie has had trichotilomania (trich) for a lot of her life. Trich is a compulsive hair-pulling disorder which means you...

Hair Topper Story: Hattie
Black Human Hair Toppers

We have been OBSESSED with our Natural colours recently (these are our three darkest colours, Natural Black, Natural Darkest Brunette and Natural Rich Brunette). But, we wanted to put Natural...

Black Human Hair Toppers
Get your head in the game! (your mannequin head that is)

If you're starting your hair-wearing journey or have been on your journey for a while, looking after your piece is extremely important to ensure it continues looking amazing! If you...

Get your head in the game! (your mannequin head that is)
3 Signs It's Time to Wear Wigs or Toppers

If you're going through hair loss and you've found your way here you're probably on the hunt for a solution. And one that's come up frequently in your google searches...

3 Signs It's Time to Wear Wigs or Toppers
Is Your Topper or Wig Collecting Dust in your Closet?

If you purchased a a hair topper or wig and it's now sitting in a box in the deep, dark corners of your closet, this blog is for you. Okay,...

Is Your Topper or Wig Collecting Dust in your Closet?